What is CakePHP:
it is not a food. ha ha ha.! it is a framework with MVC supported.When you are
developing large web applications or creating components that you will reuse in many applications,
you’ll find Cake to be a great help.Cake-PHP is evolving frameworks provide rapid application development tools to promote the adoption of particular programming languages.
Features of CakePHP:
Here are some features of Cake that make web application development with it easy
and fast:
1. it uses MVC(Model-View-Controller) framework for PHP.
2. Easy to install on most popular platform i.e UNX,Windows.
3. SEO friendly URl.
4. it uses easy templating system(with using helpers).
5. it has ready components email,authentication,localization,access controll,security, sessions, and request handling etc.
6.it has some useful ready helpers view helper,javascript helper,ajax helper etc.
7. it supports database connectivity like mysql,postgreSQL,Oracle,MSSql.
And many more we will discuss as we read it step by step.
Model View Controller(MVC) Design Pattern:The aims of MVC design is to modularaize an application into three parts:
Represents Data for the application.
Represents the presention i.e design view.
Act as interpreter between model and view
Not clear?
Ok, let see what happen:
Input -> Processing -> Output
Controller -> Model -> View
OOPS! liite bit confuse???????
Don't worry buddy.i am here to washup your brain for cakePHP. Believe me its really a nice framework.when you will understand how powerfull it is,you will start hating the kind of hard coding paradigm.
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