In cakePHP we need to follow some rules defined by cake framework.we will go through this convention.First,we need to how to create,named model,view , controller and tables. it also provides global constants and functions.
Model Creation and Convention:
1.Model class name should be singular and CamelCased(i.e every first letter of every word should be in upper case).Example: User,OnlineUser.
2. Model class page be 'user.php' or 'online_user.php'
3. This class file will be reside inside 'site_folder'->app->models
AppModel Class is defined inside the core cake directory.Model is related with table name.Each model has its associate thing you need to remember that when you are creating a new table you also have to maintain some convention.
Table name Convention:
Table name will be plurals of its model name.
For 'User' model table name will be 'users' and OnlineUser table name will be online_users.
Controller Creation and Convention
Syntax:Controller extends AppController {
function index(){
function signup(){
} }
1. Controller class name should be plural and CamelCased(i.e every first letter of every word should be in upper case) and end with 'Controller' Keyword.Example: UsersController,OnlineUsersController.
2. Controller class page will be 'user_controller.php' or 'online_users_controller.php'
3. This class file will be reside inside 'site_folder'->app->controllers
View Creation and Convention:
1. View are actions names of it controller. for example UsersController has two action i.e:index and signup then it view files name will be index.thtml and signup.thml. Extension of these files may be .ctp.
2. These files will reside inside 'site_folder'->app->views.
3. For user you need to define a folder with plurals form inside view directory and inside this directory you need to save those view files.
We will discuss global constant and global functions later
cakePHP Convention
- by sagar
- on Thursday, May 7, 2009
- AppController, AppModel, cakePHP, camelcase, class, controller, model, naming convention, php, tables, view
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