
Extensions of MVC

First off all sorry for the long break with my new post.For the beginners i let you somthing more in MVC.There are additional things related to MVC of cakePHP. it will be very much helpfull when you are going to develop a full fleged web application using cakePHP.i take the refference from official cakePHP site.

Extension of Model(is called Behaviour):

It has some extra and usefull functinalities related with model.if i am start in details beginners will be get confused.i will show it's uses in my sample application later.For further refference you can visit http://book.cakephp.org/view/495/Core-Behaviors.

Extension of Controller(is called component):

This is basically class.when you want share a common logic in your application you have to develop component.for example image resize component.cakePHP has some basic built in core components:

AclThe Acl component provides an easy to use interface for database and ini based access control lists.
AuthThe auth component provides an easy to use authentication system using a variety of authentication processes, such as controller callbacks, Acl, or Object callbacks.
CookieThe cookie component behaves in a similar fashion to the SessionComponent in that it provides a wrapper for PHP's native cookie support.
EmailAn interface that can be used to send emails using one of several mail transfer agents including php's mail() and smtp.
RequestHandlerThe request handler allows you to introspect further into the requests your visitors and inform your application about the content types and requested information.
SecurityThe security component allows you to set tighter security and use and manage HTTP authentication.
SessionThe session component provides a storage independent wrapper to PHP's sessions.

Extension of View(is called Helper):

Cake helpers are classes that help to decrease development time by providing shortcuts to
generate presentational elements. Earlier, we used the Cake form helper, which helps with
form element creation and data handling. cakePHP has some built in helper class.

Ajax The AjaxHelper utilizes the ever-popular Prototype and script.aculo.us libraries for Ajax operations and client side effects.
Cache The Cache helper assists in caching entire layouts and views, saving time repetitively retrieving data.
Form The FormHelper is a new addition to CakePHP. Most of the heavy lifting in form creation is now done using this new class, rather than (now deprecated) methods in the HtmlHelper.
HTML The role of the HtmlHelper in CakePHP is to make HTML-related options easier, faster, and more resilient to change.
Javascript The Javascript helper is used to aid in creating well formatted related javascript tags and codeblocks. There are several methods some of which are designed to work with the Prototype Javascript library.
Number The NumberHelper contains convenience methods that enable display numbers in common formats in your views.
Paginator The Pagination helper is used to output pagination controls such as page numbers and next/previous links.
RSS The RSS helper makes generating XML for RSS feeds easy.
Session Maintain all sessions.
Text The TextHelper contains methods to make text more usable and friendly in your views.
Time It allows for the quick processing of time related information.
XML The XML Helper simplifies the output of XML documents.

all the above information are taken from official cakePHP website.

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